THE CRITICAL ROLE OF ACCURATE WIND MEASUREMENT FOR WIND ASSISTED SHIP PROPULSION TRANSLATING DATA INTO PERFORMANCE The Insensys 昀椀bre-optics system provides for a direct thrust measurement system so that the forces developed from each mechanical sail can directly be compared with the aerodynamic performance curves, hence proving the performance expectations, and avoiding costly disputes during ship delivery. As shown in 昀椀gure 12, with the Insensys 昀椀bre-optics sensors installed in every and each mechanical sail unit on board a ship, the load sensing data can be utilised for multiple operational optimisation actions: • Adjust each individual mechanical sail operational setting (RPM, AoA, etc); • Understand the dynamically developed forward and side forces during the dynamic operating environment (i.e. ship motions, gusty winds, etc); and • Apply safety restrictions of the WASP system parametrisation e昀昀ectively and real-time, to avoid conditions of excess side forces, excess heel, or excess structural & dynamic loading to the sails. Such accuracy of measurements takes much more importance when the ship attempts to perform wind and weather routing optimisation, since the selection criteria of each course and speed adjustment during this route optimisation depends on comparing the weather forecast with the actual incoming winds locally on the ship and on each of the mechanical sails. In addition, another very valuable use of the Insensys 昀椀bre-optics sensors is to provide a reliable and accurate means to con昀椀rm the performance of each mechanical sail which secures contractual obligations between WASP vendors and the purchasing party (ship owner or shipyard) during commissioning and sea trials. Because of the complex operating environment on a ship, it is very risky for WASP technology providers to commit to contractual performance 昀椀gures not directly related to the force development capabilities of the mechanical sails as designed, tested and certi昀椀ed. Insensys was founded in 2002 with the purpose to design and install a 昀椀bre-optics load measurement system into the carbon 昀椀bre DynaRig masts of the super yacht, the Maltese Falcon. These sensors (around 36 sensors per mast) continually measure and log the strain across the entire rig, displaying the load data in real time for the Rig Master to control all 3 masts almost single-handedly, thus enabling the yacht to sail so safe and e昀케ciently, that it can theoretically make it round the world without using fuel. The FBG sensors as presented above are located, and aligned so that bending loads in both planes at various points up the rig and torsional loads can be monitored and recorded. (Figure 13) An individual voyage can be analysed for future route optimisation, as well as 5 years of data being compiled for analysis rather than yacht/mast visual inspection, saving signi昀椀cant costs and time out of the water and providing additional assurance to insurance providers thus potentially reducing premiums. Insensys sensing systems are a proven technology for wind-assisted and fully wind-powered ships providing one of the most accurate means for optimal performance in all operating conditions of the ship, whilst supporting the lifetime integrity of the wind propulsion systems by further enhancing safety and reducing maintenance costs. 23