CASE STUDY DYNA RIG - MALTESE FALCON Structural Design Real-time Incident monitoring improvement feedback analysis At the time of their launch, the super yachts Maltese Falcon (88m) and Black Pearl (106m) were the largest private sailing yachts in the World. Both vessels were launched with Insensys 昀椀bre optic strain monitoring systems, with around 36 sensors per mast, that have been running continuously since installation, producing in the region of 31 billion data points combined. Load data is presented on board in real time, displaying current load levels (expressed as a percentage of allowable), trends, and also provide e昀케ciency information in the way of forward driving force and heeling force, unique capabilities of free-standing rigs. The FBG (Fibre Bragg Gratings) sensors are located and aligned so that bending loads in both planes at various points up the rig and torsional loads can be monitored and recorded. This data is analysed and presented on board in real time together with other relevant parametric data so the crew can make informed decisions about vessel safety and sail trim optimisation. Long term structural health and design endorsement plots of polar loads on deck bearings, derived from composite strain measurements in the rig. The load data can be extrapolated to show maximums, typical load pro昀椀les or even used to carry out long term fatigue analysis on metallic interface components. Real time load and driving force read outs, are used by the crew to ensure the vessel is being operated safely and to optimise performance. All loads are derived from the 昀椀bre optic load monitoring data. The % displayed shows the allowable limit and acts as crew guidance to potential overload but also in severe conditions giving crew con昀椀dence to set su昀케cient sail. 6

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