Insensys 昀椀bre optic systems are designed to be compatible with all WASP technologies Rotor Rigid wings Soft wings Soft Ventilated foil Wind sail types Propulsion power Insensys with WASP WASP Without WASP M/E power (%) 47.1 49.12 100 Fuel savings (ton/hr) 0.630 0.605 - CO2 savings (tonCO2/hr) 2.016 1.936 - Total Voyage cost 642.6 savings (USD/hr) (+4.13%) 617.1 - To illustrate the impact of adoption of accurate 昀椀bre-optic sensing for WASP, the estimated CO2 and fuel cost savings has been calculated for propulsion power without WASP, with WASP and with WASP 昀椀tted with Insensys 昀椀bre-optic load sensors. A 4.13% improvement in fuel performance could represent savings in excess of $100,000 per vessel per annum, making the payback period for installation of such a sensing system well within a year. Insensys systems are designed to operate in harsh marine conditions with little or no maintenance for a 25 year life cycle, with a proven track record from installed systems dating back to 2006. Therefore, the fuel savings over the life-time of a vessel at current fuel prices are expected to be in the millions. In addition, Insensys sensors can become a bene昀椀cial source of data for load and stress monitoring further optimising operability and prolonging the WASP system lifetime. 3